Thursday, March 19, 2009

Inducin’ it

BROOKLYN, NY — When a baby’s overdue, start the dance party. That’s what Stacy did. However it didn't really work. So there will be some medical intervention Friday morning to get the baby movin’ out. Also, a guy across the way was watching Stacy and made her shy so we shut down the dance party pretty quickly. I put up curtains yesterday so the dancing can proceed.

Belly Dancing from Aaron Robnett on Vimeo.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Robnetts’ New Crib

BROOKLYN, NY — Robnett Gazette Action News HD confirms that in October the Robnetts officially moved into a new apartment in the heart of Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Three months later, Action News HD was on the scene for an exclusive tour with Stacy Robnett, the proud tenant.

Action News HD apologizes for the delay. They would’ve been there earlier, but they didn’t own a camera until this past Christmas.

Da Crib from Aaron Robnett on Vimeo.